Veddas  or Wanniyalaetto of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's forest-dwellers the Veddas or Wanniyalaeto

Struggle for Survival

  • Who are the 'Veddas'?
  • Their Vulnerability
  • Wanniya-laeto identity
  • East Coastal Veddas
  • The 1992 ILO study
  • Post-Independence Struggle
  • Mahaweli Development Scheme
  • Non-violent Resistance
  • Veddas and Human Rights
  • Wanniyalaeto Sanctuary
  • The Wannietto Trust
  • Cultural Survival Plan
  • Details of the CS Plan
  • Plan's Advantages & Benefits
  • Cultural Survival partners
  • 1992 interview with Chief Tissahamy
  • Sri Lanka's Wanniya-laeto: Case History
  • Warige Wanniya's address to the UN
  • Let Veddahs be Veddahs
  • UN Urges Recognition of Veddas
  • Veddhas say 'No' to Colonisation

    Resources: maps, etc.

  • Traditional Vedda settlements in Sri Lanka
  • Mahaweli Vedda resettlement areas
  • Vedda hamlets in Maduru Oya National Park
  • ILO Convention 169
  • Plan to protect Bio-diversity and Indigenous Culture
  • Wanniyala-Aetto Cave Art
  • Courtesy the Indigenous Way
  • Living Heritage Network
  • Related sites
  • Contact Us
  • Download the 390-page landmark study "Socio- Anthropological Research Project on Vedda Community in Sri Lanka" by Premakumara De Silva and Asitha G Punchihewa
    Vedda Chief Tissahamy
    Dambana Wanniya-laeto Chief Tissahamy (d. 1998)
  • Resource: Complete text of The Veddas by C.G. and Brenda Z. Seligmann (1911)
  • Into The Jungle With Sri Lanka’s Last Hunter-Gatherers
  • Timber barons threaten Dambana tribe
  • "Caught between two worlds"
  • "Row over where the Veddah roams"
  • Wanniyalaeto to stop offering honey
    "Colonial Histories and Vädda Primitivism"
    by Prof. Gananath Obeyesekere
    A Genealogy of Vädda Primitivism
    Vädda Heterogenity & Historic Complexity
    Spread and Dispersal of Vädda Lineages
    Väddas and the Resistance (1817-18)
    Hunting vs Agriculture, Structure & History
  • Feature Articles